Let’s Talk About Asking Someone to Take Your Photo

July 16, 2014

em and charlie 158 picket

Can we talk about asking someone to take your photo taken for a minute? I’m going to be really honest, I don’t know how bloggers rely on their husbands or partners to take their photo day in and day out. Did you know that’s pretty common (like here and here)? Michael and I would actually kill each other if I was a fashion blogger who relied on him to take my photo every day. One of us would not live to tell the tale.

I don’t think having my photo taken is the root of the problem, because I don’t really mind that most of the time. Heck, you know I’ve organized a whole bunch of photo shoots where I’m the subject so I can show you something fun and useful. But lately I’ve become more and more awkward asking anyone, and most often that’s Michael, to take my photo. Every time I see a photo of someone on Instagram that was obviously taken by someone else, I think, how did they ask someone to take their photo? How did they manage not to be completely awkward? How can you take yourself seriously when you’re asking that question?!

Michael is usually fairly obliging if I do ask him to take my photo (like with these lovely photos he took that only caused one almost-meltdown!), but I usually have an exact goal or vision in mind and I don’t always articulate it very well when I’m giving him direction. So then I get flustered and Michael gets frustrated and it almost always ends in one or both of us grumpy for a little while. We have not figured out a good system at all, so I’m continually amazed by people who don’t look totally awkward (and/or grumpy) asking someone to have their photo taken. How do you do it? What is the secret?

em and charlie 158 picket 2

(That’s my not-so-little-anymore brother! He’s almost never awkward. Hi, Charlie! 🙂

emily at 158 picket Funnily enough, I did not ask Michael to take these photos. Could you tell? That last funny-face one cracks me up. But they are some of the most natural photos of me he’s taken maybe ever, and perhaps that’s the key? Who knows. I’d love to hear how you get over the awkwardness of asking someone to take your photo! Any ideas?

1 Comment

  • Reply Amanda September 1, 2014 at 5:30 am

    Hi Emily,

    This is such a great question. I am new to the blogging world and I’ve thought the exact same thing! I don’t know how others do it, especially on a daily basis! It can be so incredibly awkward to ask other people to take your photo continuously, especially when you have a specific vision in mind for how you want the photos to look. That is sweet that your husband is willing to take them for you on a pretty regular basis. I tend to rely on family members and friends to take mine. My plan is to try to balance my blog photos out by having a lot of photos of other items that I take myself (rather than photos of myself) and save the asking for certain occasions.

    I absolutely love your blog! I visited Dublin and the Western Coast of Ireland last summer (from the States) and completely fell in love! Ireland is hands down the most beautiful place on earth. Wish I could have connected with you for a tour while I was there, but am happy to at least connect via blogging. All the best to you!

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