Two Years Ago We Took a Leap

June 2, 2017

I’m not usually so moved by those Facebook memories that pop up at the start of your feed every time you log in. Nearly every one of those memories is a photo I posted on Instagram, and it turns out I posted a whole lot of photos of beautiful (but not terribly memory-evoking) skies over Dublin back before photos of Maya took up all the memory on my phone. But when I saw this photo come up earlier this week, I couldn’t believe it was two years ago already. Two years ago we packed up the last of our belongings from our beloved tiny apartment in Dublin(into his parents’ trusty minivan) to take the biggest leap of faith either of us had ever imagined. It still feels like yesterday that we moved, but it also feels like a million years ago.

I remember the terrified excitement we had when we moved out of our apartment, stored all our belongings away (thanks, in-laws for still dealing with that mess!), and packed two suitcases for a journey to Houston to build our family.

It’s obviously weird to think generally about our life before we became a family of three, but it’s also incredible to think about how blindly we leapt from our stable life in Dublin into the complete unknown – all with the wild goal of adopting a baby. And it’s incredible to think that we didn’t know that Maya was waiting for us at the end of a summer, or really at the end of a very long road to wondering when our family would grow. It’s unbelievable to think that we had no idea how soon she was coming, or that our crazy plan would work at all.

We’ve come a long way since we packed up that van. I’m so glad we did this crazy thing.

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