30 Before 30 // Update #2

November 14, 2013

30 before 30 #2 Today, another update on my 30 Before 30 photo series – for those of you, like my husband, who are stubborn and refuse to get on board with Instagram! As the days go by, the lessons apparently keep getting longer! And here’s update #1 in case you missed it!

Day 9: In my 20’s I learned how much I love and need to write. Because of my blog, I learned how to process and think and analyze through writing, and I learned what it feels like when nothing else will calm your whirring brain except putting words to paper and fingers to keyboard. And good grief, am I ever grateful to both my parents for instilling in me their love of words and proper grammar and a well crafted sentence from an early age. What a giant gift.

Day 10: In my 20’s I learned when to stop talking. High school and college taught me to pipe up with any old idea that might be relevant. Being the youngest member of all my presidential advance teams (too young to rent the rental cars in my motorcades, in fact) taught me to hold my tongue and make sure what I’m offering is the best I can give at the best possible moment. In an age of constant noise, it’s an invaluable lesson I try to remember.

Day 11: In my 20’s I learned how to make girlfriends. Until college, I never had close girlfriends and it bothered me. I knew something was missing. In my 20’s I worked on making and appreciating girlfriends. It’s not instant and it’s not always easy, but it’s a giant help in coping with the outside world (and sometimes in coping with husbands ;).

Day 13: In my 20’s I learned that I am not suited to sit at a desk 9-5, 5 days a week. I set a goal 2 years ago to get out of my desk job and 10 months later it became a reality. It is a constant hustle but I LOVE it. I work harder and longer than I have since my political campaign days but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Day 14: In my 20’s I learned that it is entirely possible to keep a kitten in your dorm room. Pretty sure this and skinny dipping in the pool at 3am one night were the only rules I broke in college. Also, sorry to my roommates. I think they just about tolerated Ginger. Outside of our room they had a code name for her: The Goldfish. Now she lives at the country house, aka my parents’ China Village house.

Day 15: In my 20’s I learned that just because you’ve lost a battle doesn’t mean you’ve lost the war or that you will always lose the battle. It was one of the hardest things to learn when I got married. Losing an argument doesn’t mean anything other than losing an argument. I’m still smart and good enough and we are still equal. The slate is always wiped clean for next time. And sometimes losing an argument means you learn something you needed to learn.

Day 16: In my 20’s I learned that no one gets to walk exactly the path they thought they would. Wise words from one of my oldest and best friends, who has dealt with obstacles and tough decisions with incredible grace and strength. Our paths have been different than we imagined when we became friends at 18, and both have included disappointments and adjustments, but she’s still teaching me about putting one foot in front of the other when we are faced with those tough seasons. Thanks, Beck.

Day 17: In my 20’s I learned that life is made up of seasons that come and go, wax and wane. For someone who has never liked change, it has been both difficult and freeing to learn this lesson. As much as I usually want it to, everything cannot stay the same forever. But this is an especially encouraging reminder when the current season is particularly hard. Good or bad, this too shall pass.

Thanks for following along!

1 Comment

  • Reply sarah hanrahan November 16, 2013 at 8:11 am

    this is such a nice way to look back in a concious manner to see what you have actually achieved so far, great post 🙂

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