Our Dublin Home in Ikea Live Magazine

June 25, 2013

ikea dublin feature A few months ago, the kind folks from Ikea Live magazine reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to share a few photos from our little Dublin home with their readers. I also got to share a little info about our home and how we’ve decorated it. Totally fun! You can find the article and photos online here.

Ikea asked me to share the size of our home, which was actually the first time I really thought about exactly how big (or small) our home is. Seventy-five metres squared is roughly 800 square feet. That’s not too big, especially when you take into account that we have one single closet. One! And it’s half filled with the water tank for the apartment, so it doesn’t even really count. I think it actually feels pretty spacious, considering!

Now here’s the funny thing. Those photos of our apartment? They’re all going to change in the next few months! We’re planning a few big changes to it and I can’t wait to share our plans as well as our progress along the way. We’ve lived in our apartment for three and a half years, much longer than we ever thought we would. But with jump to self-employment in the last year, we aren’t too appealing to mortgage lenders and are going to have to wait a while longer to buy a house. So in the meantime, we want to make some changes that are necessary for the upkeep of the place as well as reflect our taste a little more.

Some of the changes are big, some are small, and a ton of them are DIY related, which means lots more fun projects to share here! I’m excited to have a clean slate to decorate and a whole lot of ideas to share here on FCV with you!

In the meantime, check out the before photos and a little info about our little space over on Ikea Live!

If you follow me on Pinterest, you probably have a pretty good idea of the style we’re shooting for. Feel like guessing what we’re up to? 


1 Comment

  • Reply MakeUpMonster June 25, 2013 at 9:12 am

    Wow this is cool, love Ikea!

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