Missing the Movable Type Truck

October 5, 2011
{image from Movable Type site}

When I came across the Movable Type Truck a few months ago, I made a mental note to bribe my sister into chasing it down in Portland, Maine, when it got there. A letterpress on a truck, giving lessons across the country. Very cool idea, me thinks.

Sometime in between, I got a new computer, lost all my bookmarks and could not find the Movable Type Truck anywhere, no matter how much I Googled.

I was even Googling it on Sunday. Today, I found the Movable Type Truck. Two days late. The total agony.

{image from here}

All I wanted was for someone to visit the truck and enjoy it for me. I just wanted someone to do it because I can’t, because that truck is not going to paddle its way across the ocean and do a little tour around Ireland.

Since I missed it, I’m putting it all to you. I have a sneaky suspicion that I have a few readers in the lower-New England, Mid-Atlantic states who might chase that truck down and totally love it for me.

If you go, will you tell me all about it? Send a photo? Pretty please?


  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} October 6, 2011 at 4:35 pm

    YES! I will be here in DC when the Moveable Type Truck is around! Promise to send photos.

    • Reply emily October 7, 2011 at 8:30 am

      I am so glad! Yay!!

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