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  • Five Great Hot Chocolates in Dublin

    Good morning from snowy Dublin! Well, snowy might be overstating it, but there were some soggy flurries and it is cold! What better time to talk about the best hot chocolates in Dublin? I’ve…

    January 29, 2015
  • Cosy Dublin Cafe / Considered by Helen James

    There’s a new cafe on the block and I’m smitten with its utter cosiness! It’s called Considered and it’s taken up residence in a little spot in the Creative Quarter on Drury Street. I’ve…

    January 20, 2015
  • Delightful Dublin Guidebook Holiday Discount!

    Just like that, Christmas is right around the corner. It’s not even possible that it’s surprising – we’ve been talking about it for months – but yet how is it so close?! I went to…

    December 18, 2014
  • Simple Inspiration: This Is Why I Love Dublin

    Last week, I got a peek at a new video that Visit Dublin has put together to showcase Dublin. I had just returned from Maine, where, per usual, I spent a lot of time comparing where…

    December 10, 2014
  • Love in Dublin City

    These photos are 1000% out of season. We haven’t had cherry blossoms in Dublin in several months, but that hasn’t affected the giant smile plastered across my face as I flip through these photos.…

    December 5, 2014
  • Delightful Dublin Postcards Available Now!

    Exciting news today! We’ve put together the perfect stocking stuffer for the Irish-at-heart on your holiday list: Delightful Dublin postcards! Six beautiful photographs from the Delightful Dublin guide, with little postcard markings on the back. Since…

    November 20, 2014
  • Dublin in the Details

    On my way home from Dublin’s city centre today, the sky was blue and the sun was shining warmly (and unseasonably) on my back. I stopped to snap a photo of this black lamp post…

    September 22, 2014
  • Six Super Reasons to Fall in Love with Dublin

    Happy Friday, friends! If you’re in Dublin, I hope you’re out in the city enjoying one of my favorite nights of the year – Culture Night. It’s the best buzz the city has all…

    September 19, 2014