Missing Home(s)

July 27, 2017

One of our colleagues from school took us to the airport a few weeks ago and we were chatting about all the travel we have this summer. She was a little incredulous that we’d be gone so long – over 6 weeks in total! And she asked, “Don’t you get homesick?”

My first thought was, “Which one?” China Village or Dublin or Houston? It’s hard to explain but I am at the same time not homesick at all and always homesick for all of those places all at once. But one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned came from moving to Dublin – sometimes it’s about choosing to be happy exactly where you are and putting the rest of it out of your mind to enjoy where you are. Having Michael and Maya by my side does make that easier, for sure.

I was especially homesick for Dublin after pulling these photos for another article I wrote last week. But the good news is that we’re headed back to Ireland tomorrow! We’re hopping on an evening flight and hoping the forecast will adjust itself while we’re in the air because it’s looking a little wet and chilly!

I can’t wait to put together a few posts about new spots we’re going to try that have opened since we’ve left – and hopefully a post about how to do Dublin with a kiddo in tow.

Until then, here’s a whole lot of Irish green from the archives.

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