Mixing Lives

January 8, 2015



On Christmas Eve, my family sat around the table together for the dinner we always have on Christmas Eve, or at least for as long as I can remember. In fact, now we have it whether we’re apart or together, since I’ve started making the same thing in Dublin as well, but it’s even more special in its original place.

My mom made her French onion soup and fresh French bread and salad. This year, we added specially imported (in my suitcase!) artisan Irish butter that was so much more yellow and delicious than its American counterparts. And we sat at a table decked out with an Irish linen tablecloth I sent my mom last year for Christmas. We share a few bottles of red, a montepulciano and a tempranillo. Since my father-in-law introduced those to our family, they’re the go-to’s now.



christmas_eve_dinner_2 christmas_eve_dinner

I like when my two lives mix so happily.


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