How to Make the Best Irish Coffee

October 30, 2014


Last year, my uncle and aunt visited us in Dublin and we had such a wonderful night at one of the best restaurants in Dublin, Chapter One. One of the highlights of the meal was the Irish coffee. In Chapter One, the waiters make Irish coffee for you with a little cart that they roll up to your table. At first, you just think that seems rather fancy, but then they light it on fire! And that’s just plain fun.

Michael and I had been talking about that Irish coffee for months. Every time someone asked for an Irish coffee recommendation, we would say Chapter One. I’m fairly sure you can’t just rock up there for only an Irish coffee, but if you could Michael and I would be there most nights! Last week, I got to stop into Chapter One to learn their secret recipe for Irish coffee – and I shared it over on Conde Nast Traveler yesterday!


Sometimes Irish coffee is a little harsh for my taste, but Chapter One caramelises the sugar before adding the coffee and whiskey and cream.  It’s so smooth! Now that we know the secret, you can bet we’re going to be making these at home all winter!  irish_coffee_flame_chapter_one_recipe

Darren, the head waiter, made an extra big flame for the camera. I wish we had a gas stove at home so we could do that, although I’m sure I’d singe my eyebrows in the process.  irish_coffee_cream_chapter_one_recipe

Darren’s trick is to pour the cream onto a spoon that’s facing up, so the cream doesn’t sink to the bottom.

dublin_irish_coffee_finished Thanks, Darren and Chapter One, for spilling the secret! Want the full recipe – and to know why they use only Jameson whiskey? Head over to Conde Nast Traveler for the rest of the scoop!


  • Reply Courtney F October 31, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    Oh my word, one of my most fav things just became that much cooler :o)

    • Reply Libby March 9, 2017 at 6:39 am

      Amen Nat-Noo, and LOL at Mr. Chris!! We need some ૲like”/”love it” buttons! I found this blog via Pinterest (which is full of copyright issues in itself…I can only imagine the issues catherinefarley would take with that website!!) I can’t wait to try the almonds! The bottom line is this: if you are concerned with something being “stolen” then don’t put it online…very simple. It’s a picture!!! I could understand more if it were a picture of you or your children…but a picture of food? 3 words: GET OVER IT

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