
June 8, 2011

My darling husband has gotten it into his head that at our new (as yet imaginary) house, we should put a pergola out in the back yard. But with our imaginary house a distant idea, not an impending reality, I’m picking my battles.

I haven’t had the heart (or the energy) to tell him I can’t see how pergolas make any sense in Ireland. There’s not enough sun that you’d ever want a shady spot, and a pergola won’t even keep you from getting soaked if it’s raining.

Then I came up with a clever compromise. What if we put his pergola out in the very back of the imaginary garden at the imaginary house. We can call it pergola-tory and I can send him and our (still imaginary) kids there when they bug me. Ha!

But in the spirit of true compromise I did manage to find some really pretty pergolas that would be perfect if we ever move to a hotter, sunnier climate!

{pretty landscaped pergola from here}
{cozy, warm pergola from here}
{wouldn’t you love to come to a party here? image from here}
{and a little greek flavour from here}

1 Comment

  • Reply Gerry June 11, 2011 at 4:02 pm

    I think a pergola would work just fine there. With a retractable roof, flat screen and cable, small fridge, and a grill just outside. I’m liking pergola-tory.

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